of the key buzzwords in American education today is “grit.” It stems from the
research of Angela Duckworth, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania,
whose bestselling book Grit and popular
TED Talk have helped spread the word about the importance of resilience and
determination in kids today. The pushback on standardized tests has led many
educators to argue that character – in particular, a strong sense of self and a
refusal to give up – can mean more when it comes to success in life than any
report card or SAT exam.
I have always agreed with this
philosophy, as I’ve seen it play out in both the successes and failures in my
life and in the lives of those around me. I have worked very hard at all my
jobs, and I’ve seen that work bear fruit. I also have memories of job
interviews early in my career in which I exuded more entitlement than grit.
Those interviews did not lead to job offers, for good reason.
At 46, I’m now old enough to know
that the best way for me to succeed is to put my head down, get to work, and
let the grit guide my own development as an educator, writer, learner and
colleague. In preparation for the school year that begins tomorrow, I’ve taken
some time to rest – but I’ve also had some decidedly gritty moments under the
summer sun.